Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

This post is all about thank you’s. In the last two days we have had over 200 visits to the website!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is SUPER. Thank you to all the people supporting us with your visits and advice you have sent to us these last few days. We dearly appriciate it and will try use all of it where we can. Please visit us regularly and stay in touch.

I would also ONCE AGAIN like to say thank you to each and every one of SMAA-George’s sponsors. Without you guys we won’t be able to do what we do and give what we give to our students and members. Thank you so much. You guys are the BEST!!!!! A special word of thanks goes to Paul Hulbert from Central African Solutions for what you have done for me. I will try my upmost best to make you proud!!!!!!

I would like to take this oppertunity to thank James for all his hard work with the construction of the SMAA-George website as well. You really outdone yourself and made all the people assosiated with the club very proud! Thanks my friend.

Finaly I would like to say thank you to  Nantas and Jonathan for all your hard work the last 5 weeks during the SoccerWorld Cup. Without you guys I could not have run the club succesfully. Thanks and I promise it will pay off!!!

Thank you everybody !!!

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